Coral Tree Girls Fund
Making a difference to the education of girls in Kenya's Rift Valley

Introducing the Coral Tree Girls Fund
The Coral Tree Girls Fund has been an integral part of Coral Tree since inception.
Our family has been investing in the education of girls in one way or another for decades. When the time came for us to launch our travel business, the vision included a non-negotiable ‘making a difference’ element.
It was clear to us that we could support our family’s already existing efforts in Kenya and aim to expand these as we grow. We are currently supporting 3 local girls through their education, and by the end of 2022 we aim to be supporting twice that.
Paying it forward
In the area of the Rift Valley in which our family is based in Kenya, an education is not something that is guaranteed for anyone, especially not girls. Pressures exist not only for them to go straight from childhood to motherhood, but also to stay at home. The family finances often prioritise the education of boys over girls.
I’m one of two daughters whose education has been firmly supported and encouraged all my life. I know first-hand what a difference it makes to motivation, self-esteem and overall success. The Coral Tree Girls Fund is one of the ways I choose to pay this forward through our Coral Tree Projects.
A safe space to learn
Through the Coral Tree Girls Fund, we support girls education from a financial point of view (more of which later). We also support the girls from a physical and emotional perspective.
We take them shopping for term-time essentials and provide them with a quiet environment in which to do their homework. They are able to access any online learning resources they need, and get help to go over test results. We help them understand anything they might have got wrong, and in the school holidays they come to us for more learning support. We’re also a source of pre-exam cramming, encouragement and celebration when the desired results are achieved.
We had one such celebration recently – Charity Chikuruyi did exceptionally well in her exams, achieving an overall score of 370 out of 500. Her hard work has paid off and she now stands a very good chance of getting into one of Kenya’s top schools, and her preferred one at that. One big step closer to achieving her dream of becoming a doctor! We celebrated with lemon drizzle cake, and ginger beer. Then we watched a film with all the other students.
These one-to-one sessions, in a caring and supportive environment the girls an opportunity to discuss anything else they wish. They sometimes need help with family life, the trials and tribulations of adolescence, health matters, etc.
How your holiday helps the Coral Tree Girls Fund
Every holiday we book contributes directly to the Fund. This way our clients are supporting the Fund, but not paying extra to do so. We send out a biannual progress report on the Coral Tree Girls Fund as part of our regular newsletter. Let us know here if you’d like to be kept updated, or if you’d like to make a contribution beyond what we already do.
From the girls, and from us, thank you for your support.